Breaking News! My second book is out or almost. I have my author's copy and soon it will be available on-line. It will not be in bookshops as it was impossible to find a publisher, more so one that would publish it in the hart future. So I decided to self-publish. The reason I did so was that I wanted the story to be heard and read in the hope that it would help others facing the challenge of dealing with cancer. Much of what is written is part of the blogs I wrote in the past three years. They were written on the spur of the moment as answers to real issues. However when appended chronologically they became a story, and believe it or not a love story. Somehow an aberration like cancer was able to rekindle a love story that had somewhat been relegated to a tiny corner as we carried on the mission called life and allowed all and sundry to hog the space between us. When Sir Hodgkins decided to visit and threaten to occupy that space, the only way to keep him at bay was to ensure that there we left no space between the one he claimed and the other: between Ranjan and me. It was only the strength of our love that could defeat it. Love conquers all it is said, and in our case it was true.
The arsenal of the big C, in whatever form it attacks is stupendous and sometimes quite daunting. It has many lackeys that serve it and want you to believe that theirs is the only answer. The story I tell shows you that there are options, alternative options and that you have the right to exercise them. But to do so you have to grow a thick hide and be prepared for all kinds of attacks from direct to surreptitious ones. Your defence is your intuition and your gut feeling. You need to trust them implicitly and you cannot lose.
I have had several brushes and two encounters with cancer in the past. I lost both battles. That was two decades ago. Today thanks to the Information Technology and the Internet we have an incredible tool that can beat all odds. It not only gives you information about options but also ammunition to counter any attack you would face. That is how I waged my war.
The other thing I want to share in this book is that it is in our hands to turn any adversity into an opportunity and any elephant into a mouse.
Many of those who are reading this blog are probably part of the book as I did not fight this battle alone. Thanks to the Internet again I found love of another kind because of the misfortune that befell. Had Sir H not dropped in, I would not have been surrounded by such love.
They say that if you sell 5000 books it is a bestseller. Now with the self-publishing saga you have to market yourself and that is something I am a dodo at. I just want my story to be there for anyone who may need to remember that there is only room for hope.
I will share the links where you can find the book as soon as I get them.
The arsenal of the big C, in whatever form it attacks is stupendous and sometimes quite daunting. It has many lackeys that serve it and want you to believe that theirs is the only answer. The story I tell shows you that there are options, alternative options and that you have the right to exercise them. But to do so you have to grow a thick hide and be prepared for all kinds of attacks from direct to surreptitious ones. Your defence is your intuition and your gut feeling. You need to trust them implicitly and you cannot lose.
I have had several brushes and two encounters with cancer in the past. I lost both battles. That was two decades ago. Today thanks to the Information Technology and the Internet we have an incredible tool that can beat all odds. It not only gives you information about options but also ammunition to counter any attack you would face. That is how I waged my war.
The other thing I want to share in this book is that it is in our hands to turn any adversity into an opportunity and any elephant into a mouse.
Many of those who are reading this blog are probably part of the book as I did not fight this battle alone. Thanks to the Internet again I found love of another kind because of the misfortune that befell. Had Sir H not dropped in, I would not have been surrounded by such love.
They say that if you sell 5000 books it is a bestseller. Now with the self-publishing saga you have to market yourself and that is something I am a dodo at. I just want my story to be there for anyone who may need to remember that there is only room for hope.
I will share the links where you can find the book as soon as I get them.