Friday, 11 September 2015

There is no God - Serendipity

Just got the news that my uncle passed away. He was my mama's youngest sibling and somehow more a son to her than a brother. She loved him unconditionally. I wonder if he ever knew the extent of her love for him. Now they are together in a better place and will have all the time to say what was left unsaid. He had been very sick recently and I reminisced about him in a blog I titled La Cabana and Shagoofa. In that blog I had prayed that he leave the hospital and go back home to his family. God heard that prayer. He died in his home peacefully. May he rest in eternal peace.

You may wonder why the post is entitled There is No God? It is serendipity at work. Last night my phone pinged and a picture appeared. It looked like a badly scribbled page. I was trying to figure out what it was all about when the phone rang. It was Utpal's teacher and mentor who said she had to share what the lad had written as it was very moving. I will not reveal all today as we hope that once polished the text appears in the school magazine but part of it was the almost disturbing words: there is no God. But the lovely boy went on to say: in the universe there is God: our parents and in those who make our lives.

Yes child, you are so right. For me God was revealed in the eyes of this very little fellow when I first saw him in March 2003. Whenever I am in pain or in doubt; when I am worried or sad; when I am fearful or apprehensive this little chap conjures the miracle needed and lifts my spirits. Having that little scribbled page on my phone assuaged the pain I felt today and reminded me that God is with us all the time.