Sunday, 24 September 2017

Bye Bye House

In his customary annual byes byes, my darling grandson included a new one: bye bye house. He must have overheard some of our conversations regarding rebuilding my now rambling home. Even though we had not shared this with the little one, he knew it would happen and hence the bye bye to the house he knew. How right he was!

My precious house will soon be brought down and a new one will come up in the coming months. I guess this is the last rite of passage life has in store for me. Many may think that I am emotionally shattered. I would have been but the  Gods were kind to me, and before the decision was taken, they made sure I was placed in the right head space. Let me share how.

It all began with a message from am old friend to meet someone. I did not. Another message came and I was compelled to meet this soul. The rest is history. I was pushed to attend a workshop on high frequency energies and was propelled into another dimension. All the things that one held on to obsessively were placed in perspective and I was freed from the weight of past and future and taught to live in the perfection of the now with the belief that all that happens, happens for the very best even if it takes us time to understand, and where is the need to understand.

So instead of a teary walk down memory lane, I embark on a joyful one, celebrating all the wonderful years spent in this home and the ones to come when it is rebuilt anew. Let the party begin!

So her I am, packing half a century of things and memories. Clearing up all the things accumulated over the years with a smile and many forgotten stories. Actually I think the next book is on the anvil.

The decision to rebuild was heralded by the house itself. Large chunks of plasters falling time and again, deep structural cracks, terrible seepage that made the house damp and mouldy and thus unhealthy. The house was talking to me. I had to listen.

So in a few weeks we will leave the house and move to a transit home. I know it will also be perfect. Today I am blessed to be able to be an observer in this new chapter of my life.

I could not resist going back down blog memory lane and looking at the blogs that retrace the story of my home. There is one that retraces its genesis should anyone be interested: The house I am growing old in! Reading from my new head space brought a huge smile on my face!

Then I came across another blog that showed how the house has nothing I ever bought: memories aren't stored in the heart or the head!

And then came the one I wrote in response to a friends remark:  As much as I love this picture, it is the background that draws me - what a warm home you have; much lived in, slightly worn, each piece with a story to share. I love your house!

Yes I love my house. But what I love are the memories that warm the cockles of my heart. And these are not brick and mortar. These are immortal and will stay with me forever.

I am ready for this rite of passage!

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