Tuesday, 14 October 2014

A very special birthday wish

Today is my mother's Kamala's birthday, a blessed day in more ways than one. At the crack of dawn I got my almost daily Skype call from my grandson. He is now old enough to call himself. He was keen to show me his 'new' computer - actually his father's old laptop! He was over the moon as he could now imitate his Bapu and type on the keyboard even if the computer did not work. Children have their unique make believe world, and only children excel at that. Ask me! I am an only child too! After typing his name, and mine he suddenly asked me a word beginning with K. Serendipitous  to say the least as Ma's name begins with a K. I spelt it out and told him it was my Mama's name and that today was her birthday. His hands immediately flew on the keyboard as he told me he was sending her a message. He was quick to tell me what he was writing: happy birthday; though I do not know you, I love you.

It was a magical moment. I gently told him that she loved him too and even if one could not see her, she saw us and specially him and always showered him with love and blessings.

The moment ended as the little fellow chased another thought yet in filled me with immense joy and I knew that Kamala was smiling!

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