Saturday, 9 May 2015


You were born in a palace but grew up in extreme want
But with your pride intact
Your little hands must have hurt
As you peeled the tiniest potatoes that come
At a lesser price almost in the dead of night
I wonder if there was enough left for you
Were you not the eldest?
You talked about your mom with great tenderness
I guess you chose to forget
The blows you received again being the eldest
I guess you understood
How hard it is to support
Your husband's dreams
When these same dreams
Come at a heavy price: that of seeing your little ones
Suffer the pangs of hunger
While you stand helpless
But brave and with your head held high
I wonder how your mama felt
Sleeping alone each night
Whilst the man she loved
Was locked up in a dark cell
What lessons these must have been mama
Lessons so precious
That you chose to share them with me
Your only child born in abundance and plenty
Lessons so precious
That they shaped your interpretation
Of how to be a mom!
You were lulled to sleep with songs of freedom
Some soothing but others strident
A freedom so dear that you were ready to give up
Being a Mom
Rather than give life to a child
That would not be free!
Had freedom not come
Then where would I be!
In your arms and at your knee
I learnt everything I know and cherish
And  I strive to be a shadow of you
For you, mama, I can never be.
They have a day every year
To celebrate moms
But every day mama, is your day
Every breathe I take is your gift
And I am, because you were.

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