Friday, 27 June 2014

Stop breaking my brain

Yesterday my darling boy Agastya was engrossed in a game of Temple Run on my mobile. Normally 'video games' are a big no no with his parents who are away at this moment and quite surreptitiously as I still do not know who is the 'culprit', could even be his aunt, he discovered the world of Temple Run and now is always after my phone. I am amazed at how quickly kids as young as him master the nuances and techniques of of these games in no time. I have still do get past the first step! Anyway here was Agastya sprawled on the bed in a position most kids playing such games opt for, in deep concentration trying to keep his virtual pal on track. The husband chose this moment to pat his head and of course the little fellow's concentration was disturbed and he 'crashed'! He looked at his grandpa and said: Stop breaking my brain!

I guess the word concentration has still not become part of his lexicon and breaking the brain was the best he could come up with. Needless to say both husband and I burst out laughing.

Children come up with such powerful images expressed in the simplest and endearing turn of phrase. Breaking my brain was just that. Needless to say it is going to be an expression we are bound to use starting now.

Anecdote apart, imagine how many times our brain is 'broken' and how we always find an inadequate way of expressing ourselves. From the mere headache to a break in concentration at an inopportune moment, it is a brain break!

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