Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Travelling A style

Traveling A style. Funny name for a blog so let me elucidate quickly. A style means Agastya style and Anou style and they are poles apart. The idea for this blog came from a story I read him entitled Busy Busy Grand Ant. The story is about a grand- ant who has travelled the word. But she has travelled in her own unique way: by crawling on an Atlas! I have been reading this story to Agastya for quite some time but it is only today that I realised how appropriate it was to me! This is just up my street. No bags to be packed just crawl on the map in a manner of speech.

Agastya has been a wandered from the time he came into this world. He has travelled to many countries and places and is quite a pro at it. Since his babyhood he had his bag and suitcase and as soon as he could walk he dragged his little bag whilst carrying his tiny backpack. His travel companion is Lapinou a little rabbit he got when he was a few days old and has never left since. As a baby he slept most of the journey and now watches his favourite movies on his mother's iPad that he handles like a pro. His mom always carried his favourite food. Today he told us that he was all set to come to India in 21 sleepies. Sleepies are his ways of contend days. Decoded it means that he will be with us after 21 nights. He is coming via Paris where he will meet his grandparents and maybe via Ischia in Italy where is grand-aunt lives. Agastya has no problem in packing suitcases and getting on the move. Be it a car, a plane or a boat, he is game for everything. That is one A style.

The other A style is quite different. It involves no packing of suitcase, no taking plane, bus, boat or train but just sitting comfortably and crawling across an imaginary map. Plane and other modes of transport are replaced by memories, day dreaming, books, music or just silence. For those who have not experienced this travel mode, it is worth a try. You get off the spinning world in the batting of an eyelid and reach known and unknown places. I would suggest you do this alone as you may look quite silly sitting in your chair with a beatific smile that would be difficult to explain. And there is more. This A style allows you to break the barriers of time and space, something the other A style does not permit.

I would never trade my A style for another!

1 comment:

  1. Anou, there are many ways of seeing the world, and no one is better than the next. Besides, you've done your share of real travelling, so now's the time to sit back and enjoy the armchair version. with love, Irene
