Monday, 17 February 2014

An award for my man

In a few hours my incredible man will be receiving an award for the best tourism brochure - do not know the exact nomenclature - by no one less than the President of India! Wow! The brochure is of course about the love of his life, not me, but Golf! This is all part of the National Tourism Awards. The venue none other than Vigyan Bhavan my home away from home in the 70s and 80s when I donned the cap of conference administrator and interpreter. I cannot remember the number of hours and the days and nights I spent in those hallowed corridors. It all seems like life coming full circle.

The said brochure is for his company PASH India, a company that saw the light of the day in the very house I am writing in. I remember when it all began, how we brainstormed and decided upon a name, a logo and how I sat for hours with my newly acquired and rather shaky web designing knowledge and built its first website. If anyone ever saw the way it was coded, they would have a hearty laugh. Blissfully the only place where you still find that version is probably on my computer hard disk! And good that it remains there as at best it would be up for the award of the worst designed website. But in those early days we were all on cloud nine and come to think about it tacky or not, the website lived up to expectation. I also remember the first tournaments organised and the laughs and heart misses as we soldiered on. There was one in which the project why children made the goody bags and the brochure folders.

Today PASH India is an uber professional organisation going great guns. And today is also the vindication of all the work put by so many people over the years. It is also a big feather in the cap of my man who doggedly worked away to make this happen. Even when he was extremely ill, he never stopped working. The only small change I made was move his office to his bedroom - mercifully we have a large one - and barring chemo and chemo + 1 day, he sat at his dest with 2 computers and made sure everything was spot on.

I am so thrilled that his passion and tenacity will be celebrated today and for those who have been part of his battle, it is undoubtedly the best and well deserved recognition of all the trials and tribulations of the past years.

I am a very proud gal today!

1 comment:

  1. Great news. I love your happy posts! hugs, Irene
