Tuesday, 18 February 2014

it matters who I remember he was.

Ranjan lost his father today. I do not why the quote that came to my mind was Anne Sexton's who said: It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was. I so hope Ranjan remembers the good moments and the laughter and happiness and is able to set aside the hurt and pain that are an integral part of a kinship that lasts for over six decades.

I hope Ranjan remembers the golf games where father and son egged each other, the evenings spent sharing some silly jokes and laughing till tears spilled out on both their faces whilst others laughed not at the joke but at the two of them guffawing, the innumerable drinks downed while sharing innuendoes in a word the good times!

May he just remember who he thought he was!

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