Saturday, 2 November 2013

Diwali is the darkest night of the darkest period, yet it is a celebration of light!

Diwali is the darkest night of the darkest period, yet it is a celebration of light! Diwali is heralded as the triumph of good over evil. This is a definition of Diwali I found and liked. Let today be the darkest night of my battle and a celebration of all the light that awaits me. The last year had been difficult but so empowering and blessed. This Diwali I implore the Gods of all the Pantheons in the universe to grant the dreams of all those who have stood by me and made my difficult journey a breeze. When a light one of the diyas painted by Shamika and her special children this evening as sun sets, I would like it to convey my undying gratitude to all the beautiful souls that have lit the dark road I had to embark upon at every step. One often forgets to express our gratitude to those closest to us. Love if often taken for granted. My first thought goes to Shamika who has silently and without fuss taken on the running of the house and made it possible for me to care for Ranjan. I am so proud to be her mom. Next comes Ranjan whose trust has been so complete that it is sometimes scary! And how can I forget the house staff Geeta, Deepak and Savita who have done everything I asked for with a smile and without reacting to the most inane demand.

My thoughts and blessings will also go to Mamaji, Rani and Dharmendra who have kept projecting why thriving and to all the staff of project why who made it possible. But they could not have done it without all those have trusted me for years and have made sure we have all the funds needed to carry on. I shall not name them. I know they will understand.

But above all I want to express my gratitude and love to all the people known and unknown who have stood by me and proved that people who see with their hearts exist in ample measure. Every little word that is written on my virtual world is proof of that and makes me stronger and more determined in my resolve to rid Ranjan of his cancer and make project why a sustainable and worthy effort.

Then there are the ones who wait for my morning mails and are there 24/7!

Last but not the least are my two little chaps who bring a smile on my tired face. My little Agastya who comes on Skype and makes me laugh and cry at the same time and his parents of course. My elder child who has always been my voice of reason and her dashing man who is a rock. And last but not the least Popples who settled down in his new school like a dream and made sure I need not worry.

This Diwali I want to celebrate life and love. For an only child who lived a nomadic life, I feel grounded and surrounded by so much love. I am blessed and overwhelmed.

Happy Diwali!

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