I have over the past months now often counted the blessings or happy side effects of the temporary presence of Mr Hodgkin's in my life. There have been many and I am deeply grateful. But nothing could have prepared me for the sublime experience I experienced yesterday when I clicked on a link prompted by the title: blind autistic boy sings! The angelic voice and simple lyrics resonated deep in my soul as am I not the one who has always urged people to look with their hearts! It is only when I heard this young Angel who cannot see, beseeching the Lord to open the eyes of his heart that words I had used too oft took on a new meaning altogether. I was magic.
For the first time the words 'seeing with your heart' revealed their true meaning. That little boy sang not from his heart alone, but from deep within his soul and guts. It did not matter what colour or hue or shape or size his Lord was. He was his, he was yours he was mine. What mattered is how each one of us interpreted the words and who we wanted to see. Till now seeing with your heart had a very mundane and limited meaning in my lexicon. I use the phrase to urge people to help those in need and to say things as they are, as it is not the right time and place for sugar quoting, to help Project Why. How trite and even selfish. Makes me feel so small.
The power of the voice of this little blind and challenged boy change it all. When you open the eyes of your heart you should be prepared to see that omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient force called by different names. The question is how do we see Him. The answer is simple: in all the places and things you never bother to look at and see: the tree growing in front of your house, the lone butterfly sitting on a flower for a fleeting instant, the funny shaped cloud in the sky or the star that shines brighter than the other. You see Him in the caress of the gentle wind that blows or the first drop of rain that falls on the parched earth. But that is not all. You see him in the eyes of the little child begging on the street, or the old woman who sleeps under the bridge. You see him when you gather the courage to look into the eyes of those you wish to avoid, reach out to the one that needs you or share your last loaf of bread with the one hungrier than you.
The Lord will only open the eyes of your heart when you are ready to truly see with your heart.
Please take a moment and view this video. It may change your life. It changed mine.
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