Friday, 1 November 2013

Some good news

Got an early Diwali gift! Though a bittersweet one. Ranjan woke up from chemo 8 with a smile and feeling good, just a bit tired by the chemo and the lack of diet and my special brews for a fay, not to forget the cannabis shot! This is super news. At 5.30 am he even had a long chat with Agastya and is now lying in bed watching TV. He had his morning juice and even decided what he wanted for lunch!

For all past chemos it took him at least 2 if not 3 days to emerge back from his poison shots. He says he is not hungry, feeling like hell etc etc. We did not even have fever yesterday. Just a slight body ache that a crocin and a good night's sleep took care of.

Bittersweet because it is now confirmed that the darned hospital was giving him the dexona shot at every chemo notwithstanding the instruction boldly written on page one of his file. I am angry at myself for not having checked before. I should have as I knew that my support arsenal should have taken care of side effects.

Moral of the story: do no trust any hospital, doctor etc. Do your research and take informed decisions. Scream if you have to. In today's day and age we are not patients and doctors are not healers. We are consumers and they are service providers where we have the right to demand explanations.

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