Wednesday, 25 September 2013

a small request

There are times when I feel very  blue and low and very alone. I know many of you read these pages. Could I request you to just leave a small message, just a smiley if nothing else. It will chase away my blues and help me carry on!

love to all

I could not do it without each one of you


  1. I read everything you write and think of you always, big hug to you :-)

  2. I'll be happy to comment more often, and I hope you start to get lots of smileys to brighten your days. :-) :-) Thinking of you with all my heart. Irene

  3. Me too Anu. With you always in thoughts, in spirit, in soul. Do remember and do shout out if you need me ever! Now for the smileys
    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  4. Dear Anuradha,
    I just happened to have chanced upon your blog. My heart was very saddened to read of the ordeal that you are going through. May God shower you with strength and courage - especially on days you are feeling blue.
    I live in Mumbai, and I noticed you are into natural therapy and so I am taking the liberty of suggesting an Ayurvedic doctor who has an excellent setup in Pune specially for cancer patients. He gets over 200 cancer patients a day and he cures many of them.
    His name is Dr. Sameer Jamadagni and he runs the Shree Vishwamrut Ayurvedic Chikitsalaya
    Phone: 91-20-24430259 / 24430262
    I know most of the times we tend to dismiss Ayurvedic doctors as quacks, but this one is the real deal. I have heard of him through my mothers Ayurvedic doctor who works at the BhaktiVedanta Hospital (a large hospital run by the Hare Ram Hare Krishna Organization in Mumbai).
    A big hug and prayers of good wishes and good luck to you,

  5. Thank you..thank you.. you guys cannot imagine what your words and smileys :)) mean to me... I am at cross roads in my life as Ranjan's cancer has also brought to my mind the reality of our time in this world and the fact that one has to settle ones' home.... I guess that is the biggest side effect of all..

  6. Dear Pulkit
    Thank you so much for your words and support. I believe in all alternative therapies and will definitely get in touch with Dr jamadagni!
    Do keep in touch
