Monday, 30 September 2013

That makes me extraordinary

After a very long time Ranjan sat at the piano and played some of his favourite tunes. It was magic as for too many months now the silence in the house was almost eerie, particularly at the times Ranjan played: practice in the morning and playing before dinner with a drink in his hand. For me this was the sign I was looking for. Remember the next two months are not great; that is what the stars foretell. But seeing Ranjan at his piano playing an Abba song was pure delight.

On the other side of the planet Agastya my grandson is learning to play the piano and shows us diligently his daily exercise that goes 1-2-3 as his finger taps the note 3 times and then the little hand is placed on the chest while he says 'rest'. But once the exercises over, Agastya becomes a composer and plays with abandon his hands flying on the keys as he sings his own composition. It is a rare treat. He likes Mozart and wants to see him play on You Tube. Now is poor mom is having to explain to him that You Tube did not exist when Mozart was alive.
So piano is a big part of our world. I kick myself for all the times when I got irritated when Ranjan would sit at any piano - in a hotel lobby, a mall, a friend's home - and play. I felt almost embarrassed and today in hindsight I feel sheepish. Piano is part of who Ranjan is! I learnt that the wrong way.

So let me end with Billy Joel's words: I am, as I’ve said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.”

Ranjan's music is extraordinary!


  1. Woooohooo! Just in time to play Happy Birthday to You! for Shamika :)

  2. LOVE YOU anu!!! wow abba!!! Takes me back aeons!!! You know what you are truly blessed for having found your ame soeur and been with him for ages!! I never did!!!! Hope you have ages and ages more with your special lovely ame soeur!!! Love to Ranjan. Padma

  3. The power of music! I've just been re-reading some old correspondence with my sister, dating from the days when music was a big part of my daughter's life, and it brings back to me how much pleasure it brought to listen to her brass concerts, even though I also had to hear her practising the same piece over and over and over again at home. Great to hear that R is back at the piano. Music therapy - what could be better? love, Irene
