Monday, 2 September 2013

and the lady

After the Sub Inspector, here comes the lady. Cryptic? Read on.  One of my tools in my survival kit is getting out of the house either to shop as with Ranjan's diet one needs to shop often, as there is always something missing, or to spend some time browsing in my favourite book shop. yesterday however I had a real errand. R's favourite almost 25 year old glasses needed to be repaired. So off I went to my one and only favourite optometrist. I have been going to that shop for the past almost 40 years and it is always a pleasure to spend time in the shop with its owner and his now well grown up sons. I knew them when they were just kids. As they know about Ranjan's cancer we began talking on the subject. A lady who was walking down the stairs suddenly stopped and came back. She apologised for butting in but told us she was interested in our conversation as her husband had cancer too.

It is funny how cancer has become a conversation piece in my life. The lady had overheard me talking about all the alternative therapies I had embraced to support Ranjan's therapy and wanted to know more. So we talked sour sop, apricot kernels, ashwagandha and diets. I took her email details and promised to send her all the information I have. I did that as soon as I got home as I can now empathise with all cancer buddies. I hope this helps her and her husband.

I know many of you who read my blog may have dear ones who are battling cancer and chemotherapy. So maybe it is not a bad idea to share all the therapies I am using as off now. Ranjan is going to have his 4th chemo on Friday and till date the only side effect we have seen is loss of hair on his head and limbs. Frankly none of us care about his hair but there maybe some who would not want to loose their hair and there is a solution: scalp cooling! You need to wear a scalp cooling helmet during chemo! We have not got their yet:)

Exercise is something that always helps but a cancer patient is not always willing to put on her/his shoes and run. But jumping on a trampoline also know as rebounding is a great and easy exercise that gets all systems going, particularly the lazy lymphatic system responsible for our immunity. I advise it strongly and there are many articles on the net that you can read. A trampoline is easily available on line or in any good sports shop. I try to make Ranjan jump has often as possible.

Sour sop leaves tea and apricot kernels (vitamin B17) are also great cancer fighters. There is a lot of information on the net, just google it. These two can be bought in India. You can read the benefits and place an order if you are convinced at this link. I give Ranjan Sour sop tea thrice a day and make him chew 3 to 4 apricot kernels before each meal.

Pure Ashwagandha Root Powder was suggested to us by a friend and cancer survivor who swears by it. Sloan Kettering has published information on this herb. I source mine from the Arya Vaidya Sala's Delhi branch. The dose is 5 grams twice a day with honey. You have to insist that you want pure root powder and not the churanam.

Over and above all these, Ranjan is on Tibetan Medicine under the care of Dr Dholkar.

None of the above require stopping any treatment you may be talking.

Ranjan's chemo protocol is ABVD  (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine and dacarbazine.) This protocol has many side effects but till now, and I keep my fingers, toes and all else crossed) we have had none or very few: hair loss and drop in TLC.

And last but not the least Ranjan's diet is almost vegan, is almost as I give him eggs and fish, but no dairy, and organic. It is high on protein with two protein shakes a day (silken tofu based), and his diet includes all shades of berries one can buy frozen at many shops. His meal includes a protein, a vegetable, a salad and a dessert. he also drinks two glasses of vegetable juices (broccoli, cabbage, beetroot, carrot, ginger etc). I source all my organic vegetables, rice and pulses in Delhi where many stores deliver at home: I say organic, Altitude Store etc.

As I said we are three chemos down and have not encountered many side effects. There is a caveat though and that is that you have to really follow a Sgt Major drill as everything has to be given at specific times if you want to do it all. The biggest side effect is that the cancer buddy has to give up, or at least put her/his life on hold! A little price to pay for the health of the one you love.

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