Sunday, 1 December 2013


I have been AWOL for the past two days. Many of you would, I think, have expected an update after my last blog, as it was full on angst and despair. Yes that was when I talked of a hydra headed monsters and his 12 heads, 10 of which I have slain, of a fever that touched 103.3. You can imagine in what state I was! My mind on overdrive wondering whether the infection one at been able to keep at bay for 5 months had broken through the carefully erected defences. My fingers busy on the electronic key pad of my phone sending frantic messages to all the doctors I knew. The fever refusing to break. And then finally, one convinced a grumpy Ranjan (the only time I have seen him grumpy is on chemo day) to switch off the electric blanket, turn off the heater, take off his woollen cap and his sweater and remove the quilt, and the temperature fell to 102. Still worrying. But then the oncologist prescribed a medicine that did the trick. Would you believe if I told you that Ranjan even asked for the fan to be turned on. I did, for a few minutes as there was no scope for argument. But then the fever broke and he slept well while I kept vigil.

The next morning, Ranjan was as well as he is on day 2. And I decided to give myself a break and go AWOL. I needed to, as too many questions crowded my tired brain and I felt absolutely incapable of dealing with them unless I took some time off.

What did I do? Nothing much. Visited my favourite bookshop and browsed to my heart's content, did some window shopping and even bought a trinket and then tucked myself in bed with a book, but was asleep even before I could read a page. That was yesterday.

Today I took more time off. Got my nails done, yes my bitten to the quick! And then went to see Utpal and gorge myself on the oxygen laden air whilst watching him skate to his heart's content. No better feelgood shot!

Am back now. I think my mind is quieter and I can see the way. So more on that later.

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