Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Will you be my girl friend

One of Hodgkin's best side effect is undoubtedly reconnecting with Ranjan, a delightful consequence of the forced seclusion we both have been subjected to, he because of his low immunity and I because of my determination bordering on obsession to see him well and kick Hodgkin's out of our lives. I think this is the first time in almost four decades that we have spent so much time alone together. For this I am eternally grateful to Sir H! These stolen moments have been replete with slowly ambling down memory lane and reliving sweet and bittersweet moments as well as more difficult ones. It has given us time to complete was was left unsaid, to ask forgiveness for the hurtful words that were never really meant.

I must admit that this would never have happened without the help of Sir H as I cannot imagine what else could have made us stop and give ourselves the much needed space we never had. never have you talked so much, laughed so much or just held each other in silence that said more than any word could. Never have we watched so much TV together, be it cricket or golf or cook programmes. Just sharing that time in perfect togetherness is worth the most precious thing on earth.

Imagine my surprise and elation when he turned to me yesterday and said: Will you be my girlfriend! I did not take me a second to say a big YES, just as I had when he asked me to marry me in a cinema hall in February 1974! Then he asked me have lunch at Fujiya, a restaurant close to where he lived in those days. I would have loved to say yes again but the memory of the oily Chinese food served in that place stopped me. The oily American chopsuey which was our favourite then with the over fried egg swimming on top was not something I could have him eat now. But how could I stop the memories that came gushing. I cannot remember the number of times we ate that oily food that tasted like manna from the Gods as it was laced with our love. We will definitely go one day and share a plate of the oily fare. But for today we need to take a rain check.

Sadly those were still days when photographs had to be taken with camera and rolls of films and I realise that I do not have any of our courting days but believe me Ranjan was a dashing young man. I must try and find a picture. I just found one of what I looked like then. A far cry from the old biddy!


  1. The amazing part is that you were beautiful then and u are beautiful now... in 2 different ways but undoubtedly all the same.

  2. I'm not surprised he fell for you! And how lovely that good things come out of bad, and he is still courting you today! with love, Irene
