Wednesday, 18 December 2013


It is over! The chemo I mean! NO CHEMO 12! You heard me right no chemo on December 27th. Wonder how this happened? Well all within rules. Went to see Ranjan's oncologist and we had a long chat about Ranjan and he felt that there was no need for chemo 12. Just one PET scan and then follow up.

I jumped out of my chair and gave him the biggest hug. I had to pinch myself and restrain myself from shouting or jumping. The doctor felt that Ranjan's spirit and positive approach were far more important than one extra chemo that would not make much of a difference.

I had to pinch myself all the way back home. Ranjan's expression when I told him the news was a one in  a life time experience and mind blowing. I think the both of us are still processing the news. But had to share it with all of you who have stood by me at every minute of this battle.

But all this comes with a rider. We are now going to have to walk on broken glass as for the next 8 weeks or more he will have to be kept in a cocoon as his immunity is at its nadir and he is open to all sort of infections. His immune system will now have to take over and will need all the help to do so.

But before I start planning the next chapter of our lives, I am taking a day off to quietly celebrate this small victory. Tomorrow we get ready for the next chapter.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Anou, I've been away for a few days and have been reading the blog backwards to catch up, so have just reached this post about the cancellation of chemo 12. That's great news, and will allow the next battle of this long war to start sooner. Onward! love, Irene
