Friday, 20 December 2013


It has a been stressful times since I don't remember when. I have been functioning on an adrenaline high and I guess will continue to do so till I truly believe that Ranjan is cured and Mr Hodgkin thrown out of lives for good. There is no time line, but I guess it will be when all Ranjan's counts are well above the minimum limits. No matter what, I cannot forget that his haemoglobin still hovers around a tiny 9. We have not touched double digits for almost 2 years. So there is still a long way to go and I cannot afford to let the adrenaline fall. Till now everyday has brought a new challenge keeping me on my toes.

But we all need a little break and I had a hilarious moment when I visited the Punk shop with Utpal, who wanted some strange looking hand cuff, and Emily. I could not resist picking up the outrageous wigs and trying one on. Emily was there to capture the moment for posterity:)

There were many wigs in all colour and hues and I remembered the man who had worn a tutu to make his wife laugh during her chemo sessions. I should have worn one of these and gone to the chemo day care. I guess it would have cause a riot, or perhaps, this being India, would have got security to throw me out of the premises. We lack humour at the best of times, and hospitals are meant to be serious bordering on grim.

On another note however, this is the closest I will ever get to be the long haired girl of Ranjan's dreams. You see he always wanted to marry a Rapunzel!

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