Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Cut, burnt, poisoned or fly high

I have been researching alternative cancer therapies since 1993 when I was told that as both my parents had cancer, I was 'high risk'. I picked up innumerable books on cancer prevention and cure the natural way. With the arrival of the Internet, I scoured every site possible and altered my lifestyle and eating habits. I knew instinctively that chemo was not the right way to go. I guess I was influenced by my mother's aversion to chemo and her absolute refusal to any kind of medical care. And that time I had no knowledge of natural options and could only give her all the love I could as she fought bravely till the end. For Pa the need of chemo did not arise as brutal surgery on a 80 year old man was enough to kill him.

Chemo entered our lives two months back when we accepted to go by people we trusted and fell for the charming doctor's seduction act!  Hodgkin's is one of the cancers 100% curable blah - blah - blah. That is when my research on chemo began. It was first more a search for natural options to diminish the side effects and I think we have not done too badly. Fingers crossed! However there was a 'side effect' that I had not anticipated: innumerable accounts of persons who had beaten cancer the natural way and refused chemotherapy. And not just that. What I came across was the harm that chemo does and the fact that no oncologist gives you the whole enchilada. If they did you would run miles away. But as small changes happen - nails turning blue - you are told: it does happen with chemo! And of course you are also told that it will go away after chemo. Having subscribed to the Chris's site I have accessed precious information on every aspect of cancer and was moved by Ann's story who beat pancreatic cancer without chemo! There are many across the world who have done so. It is not easy as there are protocols to follow but the big difference is that everything you pour into yourself is good for you: a quart of carrot juice or a large quantities of bitter apricot seeds.

These are not fads but have been tested over time. Apricot seeds contain amagdylin that targets only cancer cells. There are many such natural remedies that one can use to treat cancer: soursop tea, ashwagandha root and many other plants that attack only cancer cells. This is a far cry from the cut, burn, poison approach of conventional medicine! You will find a lot of articles in serious looking journals praising chemo and totally suppressing any form of alternative therapy. Of course they will. Imagine if we all knew that apricot kernels, juices and other plants can cure cancer then what would happen to this billions of dollars worth cancer industry? The big Pharma industry scuttled the voice of the natural therapy and it was easy when there was no Internet and all information had to be sought in time consuming and almost impossible ways. Today with the Internet people can share their stories and practitioners of alternative cancer therapies and remedies and their messengers have been marginalised, harassed, imprisoned, and even killed. That is how powerful the pro chemo lobby is.

A few days back I went to Ranjan's oncologist and asked him to brief me on the possible outcome(s) post the PET Scan due on 16/17th October. He tried to comfort me as he may have thought that I was worried and needed reassurance. Not at all. I needed the truth. So best case scenario: 8 chemos, midway scenario: 12 chemos and worst case scenario change of protocol from ABVD to BEACOPP. The only thing he said was that the later was far from aggressive. I wanted this information to be able to have the information needed to take the right decision. I again scouted the Internet and fell on a serious medical article in the Lancet  (you may have to register to read the full article, but it is free!) where it is clearly stated that: Its (BEACOPP) use is certainly restricted to patients younger than 60 years and to countries where sufficient clinical support is available. Besides acute toxicities, another issue is secondary malignancies and late cardiovascular effects. So I know my answer should this be proposed. A big NO!!!

In a lighter vein a friend dropped by and though he is a serious professional, he is also an excellent alternative therapies specialist. He told us that one of the best treatment for cancer was cannabis! Not smoking it but eating its leaves. We had a good laugh but actually it is true and people are working on this. There are many articles on the net that explain scientifically how it works. It also prevents cancers and many other ailments. That sounds good! Imagine if we went to a doctor who told us that we had 2 choices either accept to be cut, burnt and poisoned or to eat cannabis leaves. I know what I would choose!

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