Friday, 18 October 2013

Chemo seven

This is an awful and disturbing picture but I wanted to share it because this is what Ranjan looks like after chemo. His temperature rises, he has chills, he is disconnected and lost. This is what chemo does and that is why I will always be weary of it. It all begins well but as the poison slowly drips int his veins his entire persona changes. You can feel the body screaming in silence but not being heard. The mind too functions the same way. As soon as Ranjan entered the chemo day care and before he even reached his bed, let alone had anything done, not even his BP checked he began telling me that he had a funny taste in his mouth, that he was feeling nauseous etc. It was psycho somatic but real. A innate and intuitive revulsion to what was to come. Anyway we had no choice and carried on with the procedure.

This is chemo 7. Once upon not so long ago the oncologist had said that we may stop at 8, though at our last meeting he retracted his words and insisted we needed 12! I did not meet him today but when he came to see Ranjan, he told him that the scan showed 95% results! This is again part of the seduction game and not reality. At best chemo can destroy 80% of the cancer cells the rest have to be destroyed by the patient's own immune system. Now the problem is that chemo also destroys the immune system so the quicker chemo ends, the quicker we can begin boosting the immune system. This was confirmed by both the family doc and my Tibetan doctor, people I trust implicitly

Yes I know I have stated in this blog the fact that I will go with the recommendations of the medical fraternity (sic) though I doubt their motives but seeing Ranjan's immune system fading is not easy. I just want it all to be over and then I will go all guns blazing to save his injured immune system and strengthen it to the maximum.

It breaks my heart to see him like this. I do not know how long I will hold. So help me God!


  1. You are doing the best you can for Ranjan, an amazing amount, an amazing dedication. But I understand how awful it must be to see him this way. You know you have love from around the whole world supporting you and Ranjan, not least my love and positive thoughts for you both.

  2. What a terrible thing to have to go through. My thoughts are with you, and also my confidence that you will 'hold' until the 12 sessions are completed and beyond. with love, Irene

  3. We love you, wish we could give you all a big hug. Al and Em xxx

  4. Hi Anuradha..I know it is difficult! And though I don't reach you wishes surely reach you and Ranjan. Just hold on a little are just 3 ft away from Gold..I have been through the same when my 8 years old son went through 9 sessions of aggressive chemo. Just one thing.. more than the chemo and the immune system working in favour of him, it is what he and you think about the treatment..whether its doing good or bad works the most. Just believe that every single drop of working in his have the ability to change poison into medicine.

  5. Thank you all.. you cannot begin to imagine what your words mean to me.. that is what will make me hold
    and you are right Mahua we have the ability of changing poison it to manna from the Gods.. thank you for sharing
    love and hugs to all...
    and Alan and Em you must think of your next trip soon
    I know you could make him laugh to health

  6. You will hold because u just have too. it is as simple as that. But know that you are not alone. Many of us are there to help, to talk, to hug...N

  7. our prayers are with you, i prayed/chanted Hare Krishna! I can feel what you said here ! I have gone through some simmilar life experinece , when my paltelet count went 15k due to dengu, last year. you may try chanting maha mantra Hare Krishna Hare Krishan , Krishna Krishna Hare Hare , Hare Ram Hare Ram , Ram Ram Hare Hare ! This helps .

  8. Anou, our love is wih you and your family, love has no border and I hope it can reach you and heal Ranjan.

  9. Dear Anu,
    En dépit de mon silence, je te suis toujours avec mes yeux et avec mon coeur. Juste te dire que je sors de 8 séances de chimio (les 4 dernières assez terribles avec le taxotère) que j'ai boosté le système immunitaire avec des piqûres dès le surlendemain de la chimio, mais que j'ai surtout été suivie par un homéopathe pour vite éli,iner le poison $ chaque fois. Puis opération... et le labo vient de donner les résuktats de ce qui a été retiré:_ la chimio a fait disparaître les 100% de la tumeur (qui était énorme...) alors que les globules blancs étaient à chauq efois critiques pour envisager la prochaine chimio... donc confiance dans les possibilités infinies de la vie de se régénérer... Je vous porte dans mon coeur Rajan et toi et pense à vous....
