Life is full of serendipities. I have always held that and been proved right. If I were not fighting a battle to cure Ranjan of cancer, a battle on many fronts, the incident I am about to share would have had scant importance in my life. But coming my way at this very time is definitely serendipitous! My intuitive and almost involuntary aversion to chemotherapy and my instinctive faith in natural remedies and alternative therapies have been vindicated over and over again by the daily research that has become sacrosanct as even the tiniest of things I can find to help Ranjan in anyway are precious. I read the Emperor of All Maladies to understand the 'story' of cancer and chemotherapy and was quite shocked to see how lobbies worked against any form of nature cure and made sure they were stifled and ridiculed. It was easy then as information was not easy to share. Today with the Internet everything is out in the open irrespective of these powerful lobbies. You just need patience and persistence and you discover a cornucopia of 'gems' nature has given us to heal every ailment under the sun. This is how I came across soursop, apricot seeds and even hemp! Not to forget jumping on a trampoline. We began talking of serendipity. The incident I refer to is a book given to Ranjan by one of his dearest friend. The book I refer to is the The Healing Codes (not read it as yet but strongly recommended by said friend). It is Ranjan who read me an extract about Codex Alimentarius.
Codex Alimentarius, sounds like a Latin greeting, is a chilling conspiracy spearheaded by the pharma and other lobbies to kill the market of supplements by making them cost prohibitive. Rest assured it is very legal and very laudable! It promise safe food for everyone. The problem is that this will be decided by vested interests and lobbies. If you really want to read about their laudable mission click here. But that is not the reality. In reality the Codex Alimentarius is a dark marriage between pharmaceutical and chemical industries and the WTO, conceived to exact complete and regimented control over all food products and nutrients worldwide.”( Chantal Boccaccio). What it means is that we will lose our health freedom and our choices. Codex means legalisation of mandated toxicity and under-nutrition resulting in billions of deaths through cancer, the most profitable condition known to man.
This is indeed very frightening and I for one will do as much research as I can, particularly as I am in the midst of it at this moment, fighting cancer! What is terrible is that few know about this, and before we realise it these laws will come in place and we would not be aware of it. They are a complete affront to people’s freedom to access clean, healthy food and beneficial nutrients and should be denounced. What it also means is that the lobbies are aware of the benefits of natural remedies and the humongous losses the pharma industry would incur should such knowledge become available to everyone! People have be known to cure their cancers by eating a large number apricot kernels! Apricot kernels have amygdalin, and this is known to kill only cancer cells.
Codex will advise their line of treatment: chemotherapy. It is like using a nuke to kill an ant. Funny that no blood test is advised - wonder if they are any, and if there are I am sure they must be very costly - post every chemo to assess how many cancer cells were destroyed. However, and I speak with knowledge, a week after chemo a blood count is asked for. This shows how many of your healthy withe blood cells and platelets have been destroyed. For the past months I have been watching these terrifying figures week after week. This how it goes: a day before chemo your white cells could be 19 000 and your platelets 400 000! A week after chemo they have stumbled down to 3800 and 100 000. Now to prepare your body for the next nuking you are given a set of shots that make your immune system work overtime and bring the counts back to 19000 and 400000. Chemo again and tumbling again and the infernal ride goes on. In the mean time you do not know what is happening to your darned cancer cells, but what you know is that your immunity is at its nadir and you are open to every infection in the air.
And if that is not enough, in a recent post I had highlighted how you are never told the whole picture. A chemo protocol BEACOPP, that could be prescribed for Ranjan should the present one not have the wanted results should not be given to people above 60. And that is not all. It may get rid of Hodgkin but is known to increase chances of secondary cancers.
I know many the world over are fighting against these terrible realities. It is a true David versus Goliath battle. For me, at this juncture it is a fight for my husband's life and I am not going to be deprived of the freedom of making responsible choices even if my responsible choice is feeding him fresh hemp leaves and have him jump on a trampoline!
So help me God!
Codex Alimentarius, sounds like a Latin greeting, is a chilling conspiracy spearheaded by the pharma and other lobbies to kill the market of supplements by making them cost prohibitive. Rest assured it is very legal and very laudable! It promise safe food for everyone. The problem is that this will be decided by vested interests and lobbies. If you really want to read about their laudable mission click here. But that is not the reality. In reality the Codex Alimentarius is a dark marriage between pharmaceutical and chemical industries and the WTO, conceived to exact complete and regimented control over all food products and nutrients worldwide.”( Chantal Boccaccio). What it means is that we will lose our health freedom and our choices. Codex means legalisation of mandated toxicity and under-nutrition resulting in billions of deaths through cancer, the most profitable condition known to man.
This is indeed very frightening and I for one will do as much research as I can, particularly as I am in the midst of it at this moment, fighting cancer! What is terrible is that few know about this, and before we realise it these laws will come in place and we would not be aware of it. They are a complete affront to people’s freedom to access clean, healthy food and beneficial nutrients and should be denounced. What it also means is that the lobbies are aware of the benefits of natural remedies and the humongous losses the pharma industry would incur should such knowledge become available to everyone! People have be known to cure their cancers by eating a large number apricot kernels! Apricot kernels have amygdalin, and this is known to kill only cancer cells.
Codex will advise their line of treatment: chemotherapy. It is like using a nuke to kill an ant. Funny that no blood test is advised - wonder if they are any, and if there are I am sure they must be very costly - post every chemo to assess how many cancer cells were destroyed. However, and I speak with knowledge, a week after chemo a blood count is asked for. This shows how many of your healthy withe blood cells and platelets have been destroyed. For the past months I have been watching these terrifying figures week after week. This how it goes: a day before chemo your white cells could be 19 000 and your platelets 400 000! A week after chemo they have stumbled down to 3800 and 100 000. Now to prepare your body for the next nuking you are given a set of shots that make your immune system work overtime and bring the counts back to 19000 and 400000. Chemo again and tumbling again and the infernal ride goes on. In the mean time you do not know what is happening to your darned cancer cells, but what you know is that your immunity is at its nadir and you are open to every infection in the air.
And if that is not enough, in a recent post I had highlighted how you are never told the whole picture. A chemo protocol BEACOPP, that could be prescribed for Ranjan should the present one not have the wanted results should not be given to people above 60. And that is not all. It may get rid of Hodgkin but is known to increase chances of secondary cancers.
I know many the world over are fighting against these terrible realities. It is a true David versus Goliath battle. For me, at this juncture it is a fight for my husband's life and I am not going to be deprived of the freedom of making responsible choices even if my responsible choice is feeding him fresh hemp leaves and have him jump on a trampoline!
So help me God!
There is a lot of information available about the food industry/pharmaceutical industry conspiracy. Indeed, most of supermarket 'food' is not food at all. What started life as food has all the nutrition stripped out, and harmful additives put in. (Read Michael Pollan, 'In defence of food). It's an international scandal, but as you say, most people don't know about it, and many who do know don't care, so long as food is cheap.
ReplyDeleteHi Anou
ReplyDeleteAmazing that you write about the Codex. My PhD is about those kind of practices the industry is using to undermine public health efforts, in particular regarding food-related cancers, diabetes, obesity, etc. This is chocking (strong relations with tobacco and alcohol practices). But fresh, natural, organic ingredients and therapy are not profitable.... If only people knew the truth...
All the best to Ranjan, take care of him and yourself