Wednesday, 23 October 2013

I am over the moon part1

I am over the moon (part1 because part 2 will be on the other blog). Ranjan's results are in, the ones I was dreading because we began chemo 7 with a WBC count of 6300 whereas normally the cells are boosted to 15000+ and then fall to 3000+! This time they are at 3800. This is great news and I am really excited. I wonder what worked this time. Maybe it is the fresh cannabis leaves we started a few days back! But that does not mean I am not cross with chemotherapy.

A dear soul who reads my blogs and thinks like me sent me a book called the Cancer Conspiracy. I would urge people who believe blindly in chemotherapy to read it. The book does say that Hodgkin's is one of the cancers that responds to chemo but that does not mean that the terrible side effects are mitigated. The book also says that cancer patients who opt for alternative therapies have a four time longer healthy life span. I am confident that my brews and supplements are kicking in. Once the last chemo is over, then I will pound and strafe him with everything that will cleanse him of the poison that has been injected into him and build his immunity so that his body, mind and spirit fight and destroy all remaining cancer cells.

So here is to apricot kernels, soursop tea, ashwagandha and the latest kid on the block: pot!


  1. Great news, let continue on this good path. It is in the old POTS that u make the best soups.... ;-)

  2. So happy to read this post. Keep up the good work. with love, Irene
