Thursday, 10 October 2013

Ranjan and his girls

Ranjan and his girls ( Shamika, Cat and Mayla) played carom yesterday amidst much laughter and glee. I lay on the sofa opposite them and watched them in blissful silence. This was a special moment for me as it was after a long time that I saw the old boy in his elements. Sir Hodgkin had to slink away in the tiniest of crevice he could find. This was fun time, good old days time. For some hours the tests, scans, chemos et al were all forgotten as it was all about blacks, and white and the red queen and of course winning. It was an absolute to watch these 4 children ( the eldest being 64 and the youngest 18) have the time of their lives. Cat, Ranjan's special girl, had come all the way from Leeds to be with us for 2 weeks and what was incredible was that it was a surprise! Mayla is a young volunteer from Germany who lives with us and has walked into our hearts. And Shamika is well Shamika! The fourth member of the pasha's harem was the ageing old wife who has been conjuring all the tricks possible to keep her man happy and good spirits. Yesterday was proof of that. I will give myself a pat in the back.

The rest I leave to the next post.

1 comment:

  1. I read the long post about chemo before reading this one about the 'children' playing. I don't need to tell you which one made me smile. These are precious moments to be treasured! with love, Irene
