Sunday, 21 July 2013

A quiet day

It was a quiet day before the journey really begins. R's school friend P and best pal came by and it was really nice to see them joke and laugh. Crazy plans were made like holidays in faraway lands. I cannot yet imagine uprooting the banyan tree I have become but who knows the fantastic and uncharted voyage that we embark on in a few hours may have some strange mutations in my cells and make me want to travel again. Guess the cancer buddy also gets zapped by weird after effects.

My grandson ensured that P meet Zozo the punching bag and give it some good punches. But there is an elephant in the room, though only for the next 22 hours. R is really terrified by the pain he will have to endure tomorrow when he gets his bone marrow biopsy. I can understand him as I am a big coward in the wake of physical pain. I have been trying to tell him not to worry and have even decided to hold his hands through the procedure but am not looking forward to it. Tomorrow will be a long day. I intend taking a little time off and wander around a book shop.

Talking of books, I picked the Emperor of all Maladies and am reading it. I had not done so when it came out as I had thought I would never have to encounter this Emperor again in my life, save for me but I have my roadmap and will stick to it no matter what. Anyway the biography of cancer, I have read 150 pages, is quite interesting and demystifies some of the beliefs we hold. Will try and finish it by tomorrow.

R i now busy playing scrabble with the daughters of his other best friend - these are the only true real friends he has, the rest I can do without -. I can hear the laughter coming from the room where the match is going on. It is heartwarming. I hope there will be many more such moments.

So today has been a hiatus in the hectic times we have had for the past months. I guess the fact that we finally have a diagnosis, however brutal and unfair has changed things in many ways. No more groping in the dark and praying for the impossible. Just processing, accepting and surrendering.

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