Saturday, 27 July 2013

Everything has a cause

I have always believed that everything has a cause. Maybe it is because of my having studied Philosophy! So cancer too has a cause. I am reading the Emperor of all maladies which is, as its author states a biography of cancer. I have not yet finished it so I do not what remains in its last hundred or so pages but down 300 pages I am not in total agreement with the causes espoused. Cancer is not like other diseases where a series of tests reveals the cause and defines the treatment. In cancer one fine day your own cells which have been following a rigid pattern decide to talk a walk and go free, multiplying at an exponential speed and hence causing havoc in the well regulated system they have followed till date.

Our brain is undoubtedly the most complex, intelligent and wondrous machinery you can imagine and would not change an iota. Its logic is faultless. But there is another part of our being, let us called them emotions, that play an important role that people often do not comprehend. Let us say that if the brain is the reason, than the emotions are the heart.

However strong our mind and brain are, they are not infallible and sometimes emotions an give them a shock it cannot withstand. That shock in my humble and laywoman's opinion is sometimes sufficient to jolt the well planned machinery into total disarray and start the inexorable march of cancerous cells. I know for certain that Papa's cancer was caused by mama's death.

It was heartwarming to hear that Ranjan's oncologist shares my view, in spite of its not being 'scientific'. I know why his cells took a life of their own. There is only that much anyone can take. When those you loved unconditionally let you down, not once but over and over again in ways that no sane human being can fathom; when they hurt your near and dear ones unabashedly and with impunity; when each step you take to heal backfires and brings more hurt then it is expected that something will shatter. Being a man you have been 'taught' not to cry, not to scream, not to express your hurt, then it is but evident that your body will 'talk' for you and your cells will go on wild ride.

That is what happened.

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