Friday, 19 July 2013

If I were a rich man

If I were a rich man sang Topol in Fiddler on the Roof.I sing the same song today replacing man by woman. If I were a rich woman, I would be able to chose the roadmap I want and treat my loved one the way I want. Maybe it would not be the best in the world, but it would be the best I could find. Anyway all this to say that 'another one bites the dust'.

It is all matter of insurances and what they give. And once again you have to follow their diktats. And that means big commercial hospitals. The new nexus on the street. I was hoping to have Ranjan's chemo done in smaller and more humane conditions but no way. Insurance says fancy soulless giant. And so though I had said never again I have to bite the dust and follow the system.

So slight modification: today CECT blissfully at a place I like as blissfully again it makes the mark with the Big Insurance! Then bone marrow biopsy on Monday, my way, am rich enough for that and then consult in the big medical business house on Thursday, big man not available till then and then chemo as he decides.

I know it makes better sense, or should say better financial sense. Will take some time to get used to. I must admit hours and hours in those corridors, coffee at the branded counter and having to pay 35 rupees for a bottle of water. you cannot take your own, though I sneak in mine is not what I look forward to. But what the hell, will do it.

It I were a rich woman ya ba dabba....

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