Thursday, 8 August 2013

chemo or no chemo that is the question

Chemo or no chemo, that is the question. This does not mean we are giving up. It is just that today's chemo depends on the blood count results this morning. If the WBCs are up then chemo, if they are not up then I guess it will have to be postponed and we will have to go in Waiting for Godot mode: jumping, eating, waiting..! Hope the WBCs are up so we can tick one more box and just have a maximum of 10 chemos left! And all this also means that the port was not placed so it is needles and more needles. Just one more hurdle in the race.

To crown it all have a crick in the neck that entailed another sleepless night so mood is not at its best. Ranjan too had a not too good night. Hope he can sleep a bit during his chemo. It is just that he moves a lot and the darned needle comes out. Will have a hand holding roster.

Let us see how it all goes.

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