Sunday, 11 August 2013

Smooth Seduction

I have been seduced. I guess that in this case the only weak defence I can put forward is that the decision I succumbed into talking was reinforced in every which was possible: by doctors of course but they are always suspect ( I have been reading that the very doctors who badger you into chemo would never prescribe it for themselves of their loved ones), by friends I love and trust implicitly; by my Tibetan doctor whom I had gone to hoping to hear she had a cure but who said that in this cancer chemo worked well and she would take care of the side effects; by articles carefully perused on the net. Every one said: HODGKIN'S RESPONDS TO CHEMOTHERAPY!

So I opened the tightly shut door and let the deadly brew in. (Apologies to someone I love a lot and who has been trying to convince me of the need of chemo.  Just to let her know that I will follow all the protocols prescribed.) However this whole approach really disturbs me.

Finished reading the Emperor of All Maladies, a biography of cancer. One would have thought that it would have answered the questions that plagued my hazy mind and helped me make my peace with chemo but far from that: it validated all that had instinctively felt and ma had also intuited and shunned even if it meant losing her mind. The approach to cancer cure seems totally illogical from a healing point of view and eminently logical from the business angle. And everything was done to make obliterate the former to point of ridiculing it and banning it, and everything was done to 'prove' the kill to heal approach as the only one with often outrageously low statistics to validate success.

Anyway the harm is done. But thanks to the Internet you can access all the 'banned' and 'hidden' information. Wish the world wide web existed when my mother was fighting her cancer. The only choice she had was chemo or nothing. I am sure she would have jumped at the juice therapy, the bitter decoctions and even accepted coffee enemas:)

There are many alternative cures, tested by few but that work: eating 17 apricot kernels a day till the biggies accept the benefits of vitamin B 17; drinking soursop tea or juice; eating ashwagandha or tibetan medicine pills. Thank fully all these alternatives also have brews to minimise the effects of chemo.

Yes I have been seduced this time but this unwilling seduction has made me wiser and more knowledgeable to alternatives. I cannot accept this approach that was again validated when the oncologist refused that a port be placed for Ranjan 3 days after his chemo. Can you guess why? because it would be too dangerous not for the poor poisoned patient but for those operating on him. One needed at least a week to allow our wonderful body to flush the poison!

Need I say more.

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