Sunday, 4 August 2013

Laughter is the best medecine

Laughter is the best medicine! I realise we have very few pictures of Ranjan and I laughing. Must add to the collection!


  1. Thinking of you as you start the week.

    I'm really interested in all the therapies you've found - special foods, trampolining - some things may sound crazy, but there's much more to fighting disease than conventional medicine.

    love - Irene

  2. As much as I love this picture, it is the background that draws me - what a warm home you have; much lived in, slightly worn, each piece with a story to share. I love your house.

  3. You are so right
    would never exchange my worn out life and house for anything
    These are the memories with as you say stories to share
    Maybe I should do that.. go around the house and let my memories flow and then write them down
    love and hugs
